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regret later. one thing you can do when you have a strong feeling ---- whether it is a good one or a bad one --- is to try to determine what caused it. if it is a bad feeling, then you will know to keep away from situation like that in the future. if it is a good feeling, then you will know what will give you more good feeling.  
  another way to control your emotions is to tall about how you feel with other people. if you can say why you feel bad, then you will be halfway to getting a grip(控制) on that feeling. it will be as though the thinking part of the brain is helping the feeling part of your brain slow down a l  
  ittle. some emotions are better avoided completely. the cold, sinister(恶意的), snake-like emotions of hate and jealousy(妒忌) should always be contained(泰然自若的) as soo

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