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taiping forest park tour

egan to "rain" is in fact falls splashes. under the waterfall i saw the rainbow, i took a few photos. in the mountains, we took a photograph. down, we dabble in a pool. then i and mary first go down, the crane bridge waterfall, i play on the rocks in the water, having a child accidentally fell into the water, and was wet all over, has become a truly a "drowned rat" . remember there is a bridge down there a lot of rock, i hit the rock 2 times, my head hao teng.  
   we have come a long way, and finally to the waterfall near the tan zhong, and we drank a bottle of spring water it. then we continued down the mountain  
   to the bottom of the hill, not down and we wait for some of the students. we sat shitai rest, while everyone goes to the mountain base, and we go

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