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the railway rock铁轨上的岩石

火车已经来到拐弯处了。     “they can’t do it,” said mouse.     “它们办不到。”老鼠说。     then eric arived. he tooted his whistle and pushed with all his strength. he pushed the four engines and four engines pushed the rock.     艾利克到了,它吹起口哨,用所有的力气推。它推四个火车头,四个火车头推石块。     slowly the rock moved. then it rolled faster and faster until it fell over the cliff.     慢慢的,岩石开始移动,滚得越来越快,一直摔下悬崖。     the london train arrived. it raced past the engines and the animals who were waiting on the other line.     伦敦火车到了,它从在另一条轨道上的火车头和动物们旁边跑过。     the train blew its horn “thaaaaaank yooooou!”     火车吹了它的喇叭“谢—谢—你!”  

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