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the railway rock铁轨上的岩石

ing very soon.” eric tooted his whistle and called his friends. all the engines gathered around.     “抢救!有一个大岩石在铁轨上,伦敦火车很快就要来了。”艾利克吹起它的口哨,叫来了它的朋友。所有的火车头都聚集在一起了。     eric was big and strong but not very fast. he asked the express trains to go ahead. “you go first. then you,” said eric. “i’ll follow you.”     艾利克又大又强壮,但是速度不快。它让知道路的火车头先走。“你第一个,然后你……”艾利克说,“我跟在你们后头。”     the engines raced along, but the london train was getting closer.     火车头们开始比赛,但是伦敦火车已经不远了。     the trains arrived. the two express trains pushed, but the rock wouldn’t move.     两辆火车头到了,推呀推呀,还是推不动。     the london train was coming over the hill.     伦敦火车已经过了小山。     two more engines arrived and they pushed too. the rock moved a little but the london train was coming round the corner.     又有两辆火车头到了,它们也开始推岩石。岩石移动了一点,而伦敦

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