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the sea(转载)

. some parts of the sea are more salty than other parts. do you know the dead sea in arabia? it is very salty. swimmers cannot sink in it! fish cannot live in the dead sea. it’s a strange sea.    
  in most parts of the sea, there are a lot of fishes and plants. some live near the top of the sea. other live deep down. no sunlight can reath the depths of the sea, so it is completely dark. strange fishes live there. some are blind. some have their own lights. some have their own lights. some have great jaws. with their great jaws,they can awllow fish larger than themselves.    
  the sea can be very cold. deep-sea divers know this well. at the top the water may be warm. then as the divers go down,the sea becomes colder and colder.    
  many scientists are now making a study of a

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