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he lives of our citizens and soldiers. military cemeteries in every corner of the world are silent testimony to the failure of national leaders to sanctify human life.

  there is only one radical means for sanctifying human life. the one radical solution is a real peace.

  ladies and gentlemen,

  the profession of soldiering embraces a certain paradox. we take the best and the bravest of our young men into the army. we supply them with equipment which costs a virtual fortune. we rigorously train them for the day when they must do their duty —— and we expect them to do it well. yet we fervently pray that that day will never come —— that the planes will never take off, the tanks will never move forward, the soldiers will never mount the attacks for which they have been trained so well.

  we pray that it will never happen, because of the sanctity of life.

  history as a whole, and modern history in particular, has known harrowing times when national leaders turned their citizens into cannon fodder in the name of wicked doctrines: vicious fascism, terrible nazism. pictures of children marching to slaughter, photos of terrified women at the gates of the crematoria must loom before the eyes of every leader in our generation, and the generations to come. they must serve as a warning to all who wield power.

  almost all regimes which did not place the sanctity of life at the heart of their worldview, all those regimes have collapsed and

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