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olympic and me

olympic games is the biggest game for sports in the whole world. sportsman and sportswoman in the whole world come and have a race in this game. now, the number 29 olympic game will convene in beijing at 2008.  
  i like olympic very much too, so i want be a little postulant for it. because when i’m 6 years old, i have been a postulant at the tian anmen square, i spoke to outlander and told them olympic energy in chain :higher swifter farther . at 2008, i grow up .i want to take outlander to see new beijing, i want to show them the great wall’s great, the summer palace’s beautiful and so on. i want show them the olympic lucky stars in china-beibei、 jingjing、huanhuan、yingying、nini. i want to show them the olympic events& the olympic athletes i want to tell them: hospitable china ma

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